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Ohio Attorney General Training Portal

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Ohio Attorney General Training Portal

Welcome to the Ohio Attorney General Training Portal


Register: Create the training portal account by clicking the Log In button in the top right corner of the screen then click register.

Already registered - Click the login button in the top right corner to log into your account.

If you are experiencing log-in issues, contact Client Services at 614-387-7644 or email ITSSupport@ohioattorneygeneral.gov.

eOPOTA SupportITS Support
Course Not Loading Issues

For an optimal site experience, we recommend using the most current version of Chrome.

When using Chrome, please check your Google Chrome settings to ensure you have enabled the Pop-Up blocking feature. Contact Client Services at 614-387-7644 or email ITSSupport@ohioattorneygeneral.gov  for assistance. 

Log-in Issues

If you are experiencing log-in issues, contact Client Services at 614-387-7644 or email ITSSupport@ohioattorneygeneral.gov.

Enrollment, Course Completions or Certificate Issues

If you are experiencing trouble with enrollment, course completions or certificate, email ITSSupport@ohioattorneygeneral.gov.

Please include the following in your email so we can assistance you in a timely manner:

  1. Your username
  2. The name of the course(s) you're missing
  3. The browser and version you took the course(s) in (ie. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox etc.)
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