Course Catalog
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Course CatalogCourse Catalog

  • Catalogs (4)
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Catalog: 1075 Compliance Training

Courses: 1
This training is provided by the OAG to fulfill the IRS requirement for disclosure awareness as directed in the IRS Publication 1075, safeguarding Taxpayers information.

Catalog: Ohio School Threat Assessment Training – For Public Educators

Courses: 10
The Ohio School Threat Assessment Training course is being offered as a partnership by the Department of Public Safety, Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and meets the requirements outlined in HB 123. After completing the entire course which includes 10 modules there will be a certificate that can be printed for your school’s administration.

Catalog: Ohio Sunshine Laws - Certification Training

Courses: 5
Ohio’s Public Records and Open Meetings laws, collectively known as the “Sunshine Laws,” give Ohioans access to government meetings and records. The Ohio Attorney General’s Office helps public officials and citizens understand their rights and responsibilities under these laws. The training includes an in-depth analysis of Ohio Public Records Act, and a brief review of Ohio’s Open Meetings Law.

Catalog: OHLEG Security Training

Courses: 1
The Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway is a state-of-the-art electronic information network that allows Ohio law enforcement agencies to share criminal justice data efficiently and securely. OHLEG provides law enforcement with dozens of investigative tools and training applications to help solve and prevent crime, including data from a wide range of topics. Ohio is a national leader in providing multiple web-based resources to law enforcement statewide.
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