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Safeguarding Taxpayer Information - Annual Disclosure Training (IRS-1075 Compliance)Safeguarding Taxpayer Information - Annual Disclosure Training (IRS-1075 Compliance)

This training is intended for all OAG employees, contractors, vendors and Special Counsels/Third Party vendors who will have access to federal tax returns and return information. A requirement of section 6103 of the internal revenue code. The individuals will receive awareness training regarding the confidentiality restrictions applicable to the federal tax returns and return information and certify acknowledgement in writing that they have been informed of the criminal penalties and civil liability provided by IRC Sections 7213, 7213A and 7431 for any unauthorized disclosure or inspection of federal tax returns and return information and for compromising confidential personal information under state of Ohio law.

Estimated Length: 15 minute(s)


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Online Lesson1. 1075 Compliance Training -


The learning objective is that at the end, the training participant should:

  • Be able to identify FTI
  • Have a good understanding of authorized uses of FTI
  • Have a good understanding of Incident response process
  • Have a good understanding of the criminal and civil penalties for failing to safeguard FTI and confidential personal information.
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