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Sunshine Laws Training -- Part 1 Public Records Act Fundamentals (SLT-01)Sunshine Laws Training -- Part 1 Public Records Act Fundamentals (SLT-01)

Part 1 explains the fundamental concepts of Ohio’s Public Records Act and the important terms and definitions under the Act, including what is a “public record,” what is a “public office,” and when is a record “kept by” a public office.

This module includes a required Designee Form.  If you are the designee taking the training on behalf of one or more elected officials, list the names of the elected officials on whose behalf you are taking the training.  You must submit this form to complete Part 1 of the training.

Estimated Length: 27 minute(s)


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Online Lesson1. Public Records Act Fundamentals -
Online Lesson2. Designee Form for Sunshine Laws Training -


Understanding the terms and definitions under the Public Records Act, such what is a “public record,” what is a “public office,” and when is a record “kept by” a public office, is the foundation to understanding the rights of a records requester and the obligations of a public office.

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